Event that is fired when the remote script begins executing.
The Start event is fired when the Execute method is called.
var WshController = new ActiveXObject("WSHController"); var RemoteProc = WshController.CreateScript("foo.wsf", "remotemachine"); WScript.ConnectObject(RemoteProc, "RemoteProc_"); var Done = false; RemoteProc.Execute(); while (!Done) WScript.Sleep(100); function RemoteProc_End() { WScript.Echo("The process has ended"); Done = true; } function RemoteProc_Error() { WScript.Echo("An error has occurred: " + RemoteProc.Error.Description); Done = true; } function RemoteProc_Start() { WScript.Echo("The process has started"); }
WshController Object | WshRemote Object | Status Property | Error Property | Execute Method | Terminate Method | End Event | Error Event