Describes an unnamed argument for the script.
<unnamed name = unnamedname helpstring = helpstring many = boolean required = boolean or integer />
Optional. An integer value indicating how many times this argument should appear in the command line.
The <unnamed> element is contained by (enclosed within) a set of runtime tags.
An argument with the name server
would provide a /server
argument at the command line and an argument named server
in the WSHNamed arguments collection.
Note The name attribute of the unnamed element is just for display purposes.
When setting the "required" attribute, a Boolean value will be converted to an integer; "true" becomes 1 and "false" becomes 0.
Here are a couple of examples of how the various attributes affect the usage with unnamed elements. First, a simple case:
<runtime> <unnamed name="filename" helpstring="The file to process" many="false" required="true" </> </runtime>
This would produce the following:
Usage: example.wsf filename
filename : The file to process
Change it to:
<runtime> <unnamed name="filename" helpstring="The files to process" many="false" required="3" </ > </runtime>
and the output changes to:
Usage: example.wsf filename1 filename2 filename3
filename : The files to process
The many switch will display ellipses to indicate you can enter more files than indicated. If the example changes to:
<runtime> <unnamed name="filename" helpstring="The file(s) to process" many="true" required="1" </> </runtime>
then the output changes to:
Usage: example.wsf filename1 [filename2...]
filename: The file to process.
ShowUsage Method | <runtime> Element | <named> Element | <description> Element | <example> Element