Visual Basic Scripting Edition  

SetLocale Function

Sets the global locale and returns the previous locale.


The lcid argument can be any valid 32-bit value or short string that uniquely identifies a geographical locale. Recognized values can be found in the Locale ID chart.


If lcid is zero, the locale is set to match the current system setting.

A locale is a set of user preference information related to the user's language, country/region, and cultural conventions. The locale determines such things as keyboard layout, alphabetic sort order, as well as date, time, number, and currency formats.

The following example illustrates the use of the SetLocale function. To use this code, paste the entire example between the <BODY> tags of a standard HTML page.

Enter Date in UK format: <input type="text" id="UKDate" size="20"><p>
Here's the US equivalent: <input type="text" id="USdate" size="20"><p>
<input type="button" value="Convert" id="button1"><p>
Enter a price in German: &nbsp; <input type="text" id="GermanNumber" size="20">
Here's the UK equivalent: <input type="text" id="USNumber" size="20"><p>
<input type="button" value="Convert" id="button2"><p>

<script language="vbscript">
Dim currentLocale
' Get the current locale
currentLocale = GetLocale

Sub Button1_onclick
  Dim original
  original = SetLocale("en-gb")
  mydate = CDate(UKDate.value)
  ' IE always sets the locale to US English so use the
  ' currentLocale variable to set the locale to US English
  original = SetLocale(currentLocale)
  USDate.value = FormatDateTime(mydate,vbShortDate)
End Sub

Sub button2_onclick
  Dim original
  original = SetLocale("de")
  myvalue = CCur(GermanNumber.value)
  original = SetLocale("en-gb")
  USNumber.value = FormatCurrency(myvalue)
End Sub


See Also

GetLocale Function | Locale ID (LCID) Chart