
setUTCFullYear Method

Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

dateObj.setUTCFullYear(numYear[, numMonth[, numDate]]) 


Required. Any Date object.
Required. A numeric value equal to the year.
Optional. A numeric value equal to the month. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
Optional. A numeric value equal to the date.


All set methods taking optional arguments use the value returned from corresponding get methods, if you do not specify an optional argument. For example, if the numMonth argument is optional, but not specified, JScript uses the value returned from the getUTCMonth method.

In addition, if the value of an argument is greater that its range or is a negative number, other stored values are modified accordingly.

To set the year using local time, use the setFullYear method.

The range of years supported in the Date object is approximately 285,616 years from either side of 1970.


The following example illustrates the use of the setUTCFullYear method.

function SetUTCFullYearDemo(newyear){
   var d, s;                   //Declare variables.
   d = new Date();             //Create Date object.
   d.setUTCFullYear(newyear);  //Set UTC full year.
   s = "Current setting is ";
   s += d.toUTCString(); 
   return(s);                  //Return new setting.


Version 3

See Also

Date Object Methods | getFullYear Method | getUTCFullYear Method | setFullYear Method

Applies To: Date Object